Looking to launch a profitable House Cleaning company?
House Cleaning Business Launch for Start-ups
Coaching by the OCD Sisters can keep your crews busy & make you more money.
It’s hard to build a cleaning business from the ground up. If you are great at cleaning, we can teach you how to be great at running a profitable cleaning business.
Housecleaning by the OCD Sisters can help you build more consistent income. Our proven formula has helped countless start up companies scale up to their income dreams.
We help quality cleaning companies work smarter not harder.

House cleaning can be a dirty business.
Especially without a mentor. We know your pains…customer service, scheduling, marketing, accounting…all that on top of the actual cleaning. Donna of the OCD Cleaning team has over 25 years experience in the cleaning industry management. She’s seen it all since she started in 1998. She can help you build a residential, commercial or vacation rental based cleaning business.
We offer several different plans tailored to fit your specific needs — from simple advice & coaching to full-on schedule and marketing management.
Apply to our coaching and mentorship program
We value success at The House Cleaning by the OCD sisters. Therefore, we don’t accept every coaching client that asks. We’re looking to help top-notch cleaners and business owners committed to putting in the work to achieve their dreams. If you’re ready to turn your attention to detail into a great business, we’re here to help.
Ready to level up your cleaning business?
Let’s get started. Complete the form or call Donna and we’ll see how we can help/
Call Donna at